Sunday, May 13, 2012

Coffee and Books

A friend of mine needed some coffee/book themed photos for her job.  We did a few together (I held the external flash), but the idea just kept rattling around in my mind.  Up to this point, I've been primarily attempting to capture what is already present.  This project takes it a step further and asks me to compose a story and then capture it in a pleasing way.

In this photo:

The book in the right hand corner is part of a set of young adult fiction that my mom bought for me at a yard sale when I was in my mid teens.  She found about half of the set and over the years I've found most of the rest.  They were published in the 1920's and on into the early 30's.  The last book had limited printing which I'm guessing had something to do with the onset of the Great Depression.  Haven't found that one yet.  I get my love of books from my Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

The coffee cup was a gift from a wonderful friend. :)

The lavender stems I picked that morning from my patch of over-achieving lavender plants.  I fell in love with lavender a few years ago while visiting a college friend.  Her mom made Lavender Pound Cake for us.  I had never guessed that you could cook with the herb.  It has been love ever since.

1 comment:

  1. you definitely tell a story - love it! (thank you! :)
