This lovely salad accompanied some very savory buttermilk biscuits. I have wonderful luck with the Smitten Kitchen biscuit recipe. Not being the sort of person who can leave well enough alone, and having a mild addiction to caramelized onions...I included about half of a caramelized onion. Very large chunks. I added a little cheese and some rosemary as well. I really should have photographed the biscuits before I ate them, but that would have required not having a biscuit in both hands.
1/2 pint tomatos
1 large cucumber
1 large yellow pepper
2-3 mint leaves
2-3 stalks green onion
1/3 c balsamic vinegar
1/3 c molasses
Cut the tomatoes into bite sized pieces. Dice the cucumbers and pepper. Very finely chop the mint leaves and green onion. Mix. (Note: I added garlic - I would not recommend this!)
You can dress in the bowl or provide at service. If choosing to dress in the bowl, note that the lovely colors will take on a slightly less pleasing brownish hue. Fine at home, less good if you have company.