Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Horse Track

I went out wandering today, and came upon an old horse racing track.  The nice, old guy that runs the place let me wander around and take some pictures.  He had raised and trained race horses for over 50 years.

Old Car

If anyone wants to help me out with what kind it is...


Clarendon, Texas

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas lights part 3

Downtown Ft Worth has a giant Christmas Tree each year (I hear).  I loved the lights.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Break D-9 (day -9)

We are starting out the Christmas break with a negative number because I'm not technically on break today, but being sick did nicely correlate with car repairs and a no-lectures day so here I am.
6:05  Wake up with a start due to very kind husby attempting to take snoring wife back to bed from semi-comfy couch. 
6:15  Gave up on sleep and did the whole getting ready for the day thing....DRAAAT car won't start.  Guess I left something on/open/whatever over the weekend.  Attempt to sit patiently until Justin can jump car for me.  Discover that Hulu+ membership allows me to watch old episodes of crappy cop dramas...oh this is going to be a good Christmas.  Justin kindly does not make fun of me while standing in the frigid wind getting my car running.  May owe him cookies.
9:00  Drop off car to have minor oil leak repaired (yay warranty!) and get a ride home with nice shuttle driver guy with a healthy sense of humor.   Ambitiously attempt to vacuum frighteningly large number of pine needles from carpet only to discover that little is occurring other than rearrangement of aforementioned needles.  Disassemble vacuum, lodge screwdriver in vacuum while attempting to dislodge pine needles.  Day is saved by mad grad-school learned problem solving skills. Elsa held down the pesky hose.
9:45  After clogging/unclogging the vacuum a second time, decide it is time to call in the big guns:

10:00 Vacuuming finally complete, I empty dishwasher.  Concerned that I may just spend the whole day cleaning (house could use it) I sit down and have a WWJD (what would Josiah do) moment.  Q:  Sick and taking the day off, would Josiah clean the house.  A:  Probability approximately 1:1000.  (non-zero largely due to husband's mad skills with a washing machine).  Time to return to the crappy cop dramas.  Adios!